Abu azrael killing isis gunship
Abu azrael killing isis gunship pictures
Ayoub Falih Hasan Al-Rubayie (Arabic: أيوب فالح حسن الربيعي; born ), known by his nom de guerre Abu Azrael, is an Iraqi commander in the Kataib al-Imam Ali, an Iraqi Shi'a militia group of the Popular Mobilization Forces that fought ISIS (ISIL) figthers in Iraq.
Abu azrael killing isis gunship
One of the pictures of Abu Azrael ("Father of the archangel of death") being shared on Facebook.
Abu azrael killing isis gunship video
The aggressive footage has emerged of the bearded "Archangel of Death" - or Abu Azrael in Arabic - taking on ISIS as he joins Iraqi government forces to recapture Fallujah.
Abu azrael killing isis gunship photos
The video contained a clip from a video released last week by a Shiite militia showing a captured ISIS militant burned to death and then sliced up by a rebel fighter .