Saladin et richard coeur de lion iain

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La bataille de Jaffa est un affrontement de l'époque des Croisades, s'étant déroulé lors de la campagne militaire qui opposa l'armée du sultan Saladin (Ṣalāḥ al-Dîn Yûsuf ibn Ayyūb) et les forces des croisés dirigés par le roi Richard I d'Angleterre (connu sous le nom de Richard Cœur de Lion).

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Saladin sends a chal- lenge to Richard to meet him in single combat on the plain, and offers him the gift of a horse: Richard accepts both the challenge and the offer.

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Richard Cœur de Lion and the Pas Saladin in Medieval Art is an article from PMLA, Volume View more articles from this article on
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Saladin sends a chal- lenge to Richard to meet him in single combat on the plain, and offers him the gift of a horse: Richard accepts both the challenge and the offer.