Yael sharoni birthplace of buddha

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The holy site of Lumbini has ruins of ancient monasteries, a sacred Bodhi tree, an ancient bathing pond, the Ashokan pillar and the Mayadevi Temple, a site traditionally considered to be the birthplace of the Buddha.
yael sharoni birthplace of buddha

Yael sharoni birthplace of buddha

At the heart of Lumbini is the Sacred Garden, the most important place of the entire area, where Buddha was born.

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Walk in the footsteps of Buddha as you explore the region where he spent his childhood as Prince Siddhartha.

Birthplace of buddha map
The ‘Horizon’ is particularly strong at the four major Buddhist sites: Lumbini, the Buddha’s birthplace; Bodh Gaya, where he became a Buddha or ‘enlightened one’; Sarnath, where he .